France Mission YouTube Channel
Click on the link symbol on the right to find all of FM's videos in one handy location, including "Introducing France Mission" (click on the video on the left to view this).
Covid-19 and Evangelicals in France
This report, based on research undertaken by the CNEF (National Council of French Evangelicals), assesses the impact of the pandemic on evangelical churches and organisations in France. The main link is to the original report in French. Our friends at Impact France have produced an English-language version that can be accessed at

France Mission postcard
A postcard to enable people to request France Mission prayer materials. Please use the link to request free copies for publicity purposes.

France Mission leaflet
A leaflet introducing the work of France Mission. Please use the link to request free copies for publicity purposes.
Challenges and opportunities in rural France
Chris & Joanna Frizelle share about their ministry in the Picardy region of northern France (presentation given at the 2019 France Day in Bromley)

Les Églises protestantes évangéliques en France: étude statistique et cartographique
If you like maps and statistics (and can read French), then click here for an excellent resource. Daniel Liechti, who compiled all these figures, is one of FM's French Directors.

Soldats de Jésus: Les évangéliques à la conquête de la France
If you can read French, this is the most accessible introduction to the evangelical world in France. The author is a journalist and, if she has any personal religious convictions, these remain well hidden in the book. It's a well balanced study that leaves plenty of space for evangelicals to present their views. You can buy the book in paper or electronic form from Amazon.

Autumn Leave: A Season in France
Well-known Christian author Michele Guinness narrates the story of how she and her husband, Peter, got on during a three-month sabbatical in rural France. At once funny and poignant, Michele's book offers a personal insight into a small corner of the French evangelical world. For more details, click here.

In the Steps of the Huguenots
France Mission supporter Monica Stringer's latest book is available in both print and Kindle format from Amazon. Here's a brief synopsis: "The story of the Huguenots is one of immense persecution accompanied by extraordinary faith and courage spanning more than 100 years. This book draws from their story explaining some of the background and subsequent exile into many nations that welcomed their Protestant heritage and so profited from their faith, integrity, expertise and skills, including Britain. Today this is largely forgotten but God does not forget. The author relates this to modern day prophecies which show that God wants Britain to return the blessings to France by supporting and praying for Christian work there. Be inspired to be a part of this."

L’Implantation d’une Église raconteé à mon stagiaire (FR)
Perspectives pastor, Dave Brown, has written numerous books in French, of which this is the latest. This one is about church-planting, others have covered subjects such as Pascal, the Trinity, and the emergent church. For more details on all of Dave's books (including ordering information), please click the link below.

Vocation: Implanteur d'église (= "Vocation: Church Planter"; subtitled in English)
This inspiring DVD retails at around £8, but it's such a great resource that we'd be happy to send it you for free! Please just email us at if you'd like a copy.

France-Mission: De la semence à la multiplication depuis 1957 (FR)
This fascinating history (in French) was produced for France-Mission's 60th anniversary in 2017. It focuses especially on the period up to 2000 and can be ordered here.

Envoyé-s (= "Sent"; subtitled in English throughout)
This is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the history and biblical basis of mission. Each DVD cost about £10 to produce but it's such a great resource that we'd be happy to send it you for free! Please just email us at if you'd like a copy.
Why Europe? Why now?
Europe has changed! Europeans once took the gospel to the nations, but now Europe itself is in desperate need of the gospel.
Building Bridges to Unbelievers
Dave Brown, pastor of the FM church in Paris-Villiers, talks about "Building Bridges to Unbelievers".
Evangelism through the Normal Life of the Church
Dave Brown, pastor of the FM church in Paris-Villiers, talks about "Evangelism through the Normal Life of the Church":
A video (in French) introducing some of France Mission's newest workers and the church-plants they're involved in.
The Church-planting team in Aix-les-Bains
The team from Aix-les-Bains present one of FM's most recent church-plants.
Peter Calvert (France Mission)
Peter Calvert, currently planning a church-plant with FM in Blois, reflects on God's work in France and how the UK church can be a part of that in an interview with Etta Halliday talk at Bangor Worldwide 2013
Réactif Brie M9
A video providing a brief flavour of "Réactif", the new multisite church formed by the Église de la Brie and the Église M9 to the east of Paris.
Description du Cnef Solidarité
A video marking the launch of CNEF Solidarité, an initiative from the National Council of French Evangelicals to stimulate and co-ordinate social action projects undertaken by evangelical churches in France.
Qui sont les évangéliques?
Another introduction to the French evangelical world from another major TV news programme (France 2), featuring footage from Loches and an interview with Daniel Liechti, one of FM's national directors who also runs an MA in Church-Planting and Missiology in a Bible College near Paris:
Évangéliques : les nouveaux missionnaires
An excellent introduction to the French evangelical world produced by mainstream TV channel France 3. It focuses on the FM church (and regional church-planting training centre) in Loches:
La croissance des Évangéliques. Reportage M6 du 30 octobre 2017. Chrétiens Protestants Évangéliques
A report on evangelical churches in France that was broadcast on M6 (a major French TV channel) in October 2017. A couple of the folk interviewed have been involved with FM churches over recent years.